
This product pack has a set of instructions that help to get information about the various types of hardware in the environment. The user can utilize these instructions to get information about the different make and model of the devices along with other attached peripherals.

Key Features

  • Get the inventory of the current active monitors like manufacturer, serial number etc.
  • Get the details of Manufacturers with Model, Virtual platform information.
  • Get the connected Keyboard & Mouse inventory details.
  • Get the connected Disk Drives inventory details.


  • This Product Pack contains instructions.
  • Upload the Product pack either with the help of Tachyon Product Pack Deployment Tool or directly by clicking on Upload button from Instruction set in 1E Platform.
  • Create an Instruction Set named Hardware Inventory and move all the instructions from Unassigned Set to this set, unless you use Product Pack Deployment Tool which creates it automatically.


  1. Go to Explorer and search for any instruction in this pack, For Example Get the connected Disk Drives inventory details.
  2. Click Ask this question.
  3. This will display the list all the disk drives for that targeted device.


What's New

08/09/2023: Converted the temperature value in Celsius for instruction 1E-Exchange-CPU temperature.

08/09/2023: Bug fixed for instruction 1E-Exchange-BatteryHealthStatus.

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